Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Python - regular expression backreference example

# use the power of regular expressions
# bite the bullet and review the regular expression syntax 

import re

# lets say you have created the next search engine
# your search engine extracts the contents of
# the <title></title> tags
theString = """ <lots of garbage and # what not and this

title is going to be cool> <myTitle> will be awesome.
And once you get <title>the title is here</title> and then
there is the end """

# you compile a regular expression to search

# for the contents of the title tag
# (this is where the regular expression syntax
# comes in handy)
# the one thing to certainly notice is that there are
# parenthesis surrounding the contents of the title tag.
# These are called backreferences.  Once we've run the search
# we'll be able to reference these.
p = re.compile('<title>(.+)<\/title>')

# now search theString
m =, theString)

# you can test whether or not your
# regular expression was successfull
if m:
    print "regular expression search successfull!"
    # referencing group #1 references the first backreference

    print "the title contents are:",
    # group # 0 is the entire regular expression result
    print "the entire regular expression returned:",

    print "regular expression search returns no results"

#   regular expression search successfull!
#   the title contents are: the title is here
#   the entire regular expression returned: <title>the title is here</title>

Python - using yaml for configuration files

import yaml
# checkout and download yaml for python 

# you should probably put this config in a seperate file
# but for this example it is just a multi-line string
yamlConfigFile = """
        type: toyota
        hp: 129
            city: 30
            highway: 35
        cost: 15,000
        type: gm
        hp: 225
            city: 20
            highway: 25
        cost: 20,000
        type: chevy
        hp: 220
            city: 22
            highway: 24
        cost: 21,000

# the yaml file will be converted to a dict
# for sub sections the dict will nest dicts
theDict = yaml.load(yamlConfigFile)
print theDict
# output (I added some tabs and what not so you
#           could see the nested dict structure):
# {'cars':
#    {'car2':
#        {'mpg': {'city': 22, 'highway': 24},
#        'hp': 220,
#        'cost': '21,000',
#        'type': 'chevy'},
#    'car0':
#        {'mpg': {'city': 30, 'highway': 35},
#        'hp': 129,
#        'cost': '15,000',
#        'type': 'toyota'},
#    'car1':
#        {'mpg': {'city': 20, 'highway': 25},
#        'hp': 225,
#        'cost': '20,000',
#        'type': 'gm'}
#    }

# to list the car types (like car1, car2, etc
print theDict['cars'].keys()
# output:
# ['car2', 'car0', 'car1']

# to display the type and cost of the vehicles
for c in theDict['cars'].keys():
    print theDict['cars'][c]['type'], "cost:", theDict['cars'][c]['cost']

# output:
#    chevy cost: 21,000
#    toyota cost: 15,000
#    gm cost: 20,000

# update the cost of toyota
theDict['cars']['car0']['cost'] = '25,000'
# the update is now in the dict representation of the yaml file

# to dump the yaml dict back to a file
# or in our case a multi-line string use the dump command
# which you could write to a file
print yaml.dump(theDict)
# output:
#    cars:
#      car0:
#        cost: 25,000
#        hp: 129
#        mpg: {city: 30, highway: 35}
#        type: toyota
#      car1:
#        cost: 20,000
#        hp: 225
#        mpg: {city: 20, highway: 25}
#        type: gm
#      car2:
#        cost: 21,000
#        hp: 220
#        mpg: {city: 22, highway: 24}
#        type: chevy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Python - simple regular expression examples

# regular expressions are extremely powerful
# here are some simple examples to get you started

import re

text = "Some example text to manipulate with regular expressions."

# find the location of all the vowels
# iterate through all vowels
# here I've used the finditer method to return and
#   and iterator through the results
for i in re.finditer('[aeiouy]', text):
    print "location:", i.start(), " to ", i.end()
    print "  found text was: ", text[i.start():i.end()]
# output:
#location: 1  to  2
#  found text was:  o
#location: 3  to  4
#  found text was:  e
# SNIP -- there are lots of vowels
#location: 49  to  50
#  found text was:  e
#location: 52  to  53
#  found text was:  i
#location: 53  to  54
#  found text was:  o

# use regular expressions to split your sentence into words
sentence = "This is my example sentence"
for word in re.split(' ', sentence):
    print word
# This
# is
# my
# example
# sentence

# search and replace regular expression functionality
# replace 'regular expression' with 're'
text = "regular expression text goes here"
newText = re.sub('regular expression', 're', text)
print newText
# re text goes here

Python - generate double dutch

# this example is similar 
# to the double dutch generator 
def createDoubleDutch(word):
        create and return a double 
        dutch version of word 
    for v in ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"):
        # double dutch-ize each vowel 
        word = word.replace(v, v+"b"+v)
    return word
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ddSentence = "" 
    for w in "My sample sentence for double dutch".split(' '):
           ddSentence += createDoubleDutch(w) + " " 
    print ddSentence.strip()
# Myby sabamplebe sebentebencebe fobor doboubublebe dubutch 

Monday, September 28, 2009

Python - pig latin generator

def makePigLatin(word):
    """ convert one word into pig latin """ 
    m  = len(word)
    vowels = "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y" 
    # short words are not converted 
    if m<3 or word=="the":
        return word
        for i in vowels:
            if word.find(i) < m and word.find(i) != -1:
                m = word.find(i)
        if m==0:
            return word+"way" 
            return word[m:]+word[:m]+"ay" 
sentence = "Hooray for pig latin" 
pigLatinSentence = "" 
# iterate through words in sentence 
for w in sentence.split(' '):
    pigLatinSentence += makePigLatin(w) + " " 
print pigLatinSentence.strip()
# output: 
# oorayHay orfay igpay atinlay 

python - split paragraph into sentences with regular expressions

# split up a paragraph into sentences
# using regular expressions

def splitParagraphIntoSentences(paragraph):
    ''' break a paragraph into sentences
        and return a list '''
    import re
    # to split by multile characters

    #   regular expressions are easiest (and fastest)
    sentenceEnders = re.compile('[.!?]')
    sentenceList = sentenceEnders.split(paragraph)
    return sentenceList

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = """This is a sentence.  This is an excited sentence! And do you think this is a question?"""

    sentences = splitParagraphIntoSentences(p)
    for s in sentences:
        print s.strip()

#   This is a sentence
#   This is an excited sentence

#   And do you think this is a question

Python - detect and label objects in images

Image to be analyzed

Detected Objects have now been outlined 
from PIL import Image

# you'll need to get PIL 
# some other (shorter) scripts
# that use PIL:
#   create a thumbnail with PIL  
#   find the average image RGB  
#   replace image colors with PIL  
# this script is based on the

#   find the sun script   

class TheOutliner(object):
    ''' takes a dict of xy points and
        draws a rectangle around them '''
    def __init__(self):
        self.outlineColor = 0, 255, 255
        self.pic = None
        self.picn = None
        self.minX = 0
        self.minY = 0
        self.maxX = 0
        self.maxY = 0
    def doEverything(self, imgPath, dictPoints, theoutfile):
    def loadImage(self, imgPath):
        self.pic =
        self.picn = self.pic.load()
    def loadBrightPoints(self, dictPoints):
        '''iterate through all points and

           gather max/min x/y '''

        # an x from the pool (the max/min
        #   must be from dictPoints)
        self.minX = dictPoints.keys()[0][0]
        self.maxX = self.minX
        self.minY = dictPoints.keys()[0][1]
        self.maxY = self.minY

        for point in dictPoints.keys():
            if point[0] < self.minX:
                self.minX = point[0]
            elif point[0] > self.maxX:
                self.maxX = point[0]

            if point[1]< self.minY:
                self.minY = point[1]
            elif point[1] > self.maxY:
                self.maxY = point[1]
    def drawBox(self):
        # drop box around bright points

        for x in xrange(self.minX, self.maxX):
            # top bar
            self.picn[x, self.minY] = self.outlineColor
            # bottom bar
            self.picn[x, self.maxY] = self.outlineColor
        for y in xrange(self.minY, self.maxY):
            # left bar

            self.picn[self.minX, y] = self.outlineColor
            # right bar
            self.picn[self.maxX, y] = self.outlineColor
    def saveImg(self, theoutfile):, "JPEG")

#class CollectBrightPoints(object):
#    def __init__(self):

#        self.brightThreshold = 240, 240, 240
#        self.pic = None
#        self.picn = None
#        self.brightDict = {}
#    def loadImage(self, imgPath):
#        self.pic =
#        self.picn = self.pic.load()
#    def collectBrightPoints(self):
#        for x in xrange(self.pic.size[0]):

#            for y in xrange(self.pic.size[1]):
#                r,g,b = self.picn[x,y]
#                if r > self.brightThreshold[0] and \
#                    g > self.brightThreshold[1] and \
#                    b > self.brightThreshold[2]:
#                    # then it is brighter than our threshold

#                    self.brightDict[x,y] = r,g,b

class ObjectDetector(object):
    ''' returns a list of dicts representing 
        all the objects in the image '''
    def __init__(self):
        self.detail = 4
        self.objects = []
        self.size = 1000 = 255
        self.close = 100
        self.pic = None
        self.picn = None
        self.brightDict = {}
    def loadImage(self, imgPath):
        self.pic =
        self.picn = self.pic.load()
        self.picSize = self.pic.size
        self.detail = (self.picSize[0] + self.picSize[1])/2000
        self.size = (self.picSize[0] + self.picSize[1])/8
        # each must be at least 1 -- and the larger

        #   the self.detail is the faster the analyzation will be
        self.detail += 1
        self.size += 1
    def getSurroundingPoints(self, xy):
        ''' returns list of adjoining point '''
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        plist = (
            (x-self.detail, y-self.detail), (x, y-self.detail), (x+self.detail, y-self.detail),
            (x-self.detail, y),(x+self.detail, y),
            (x-self.detail, y+self.detail),(x, y+self.detail),(x+self.detail,y+self.detail)
        return (plist)

    def getRGBFor(self, x, y):
            return self.picn[x,y]
        except IndexError as e:
            return 255,255,255

    def readyToBeEvaluated(self, xy):
            r,g,b = self.picn[xy[0],xy[1]]
            if r==255 and g==255 and b==255:
                return False
            return False
        return True

    def markEvaluated(self, xy):
            self.picn[xy[0],xy[1]] =,,

    def collectAllObjectPoints(self):
        for x in xrange(self.pic.size[0]):
            if x % self.detail == 0:
                for y in xrange(self.pic.size[1]):
                    if y % self.detail == 0:
                        r,g,b = self.picn[x,y]
                        if r == and \
                            g == and \
                            b ==
                            # then no more

                            ol = {}
                            ol[x,y] = "go"
                            pp = []
                            stillLooking = True
                            while stillLooking:
                                if len(pp) > 0:
                                    xe, ye = pp.pop()
                                    # look for adjoining points

                                    for p in self.getSurroundingPoints((xe,ye)):
                                        if self.readyToBeEvaluated((p[0], p[1])):
                                            r2,g2,b2 = self.getRGBFor(p[0], p[1])
                                            if abs(r-r2) < self.close and \
                                                abs(g-g2) < self.close and \
                                                abs(b-b2) < self.close:
                                                # then its close enough

                                                ol[p[0],p[1]] = "go"

                                    # done expanding that point
                                    stillLooking = False
                                    if len(ol) > self.size:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Start Process";

    # assumes that the .jpg files are in
    #   working directory 
    theFile = "3.jpg"

    theOutFile = "3.output.jpg"

    import os
    for f in os.listdir('.'):
        if f.find(".jpg") > 0:
            theFile = f
            print "working on " + theFile + "..."

            theOutFile = theFile + ".out.jpg"
            bbb = ObjectDetector()
            print "     analyzing.."
            print "     file dimensions: " + str(bbb.picSize)
            print "        this files object weight: " + str(bbb.size)
            print "        this files analyzation detail: " + str(bbb.detail)
            print "     objects detected: " +str(len(bbb.objects))
            drawer = TheOutliner()
            print "     loading and drawing rectangles.."

            for o in bbb.objects:

            print "saving image..."

            print "Process complete"

#Start Process
#working on A Good Book to Have on Your Shelf.jpg...
#     analyzing..
#     file dimensions: (500, 667)
#        this files object weight: 146
#        this files analyzation detail: 1
#     objects detected: 6
#     loading and drawing rectangles..

#saving image...
#Process complete
#working on bamboo-forest.jpg...
#     analyzing..
#     file dimensions: (640, 480)
#        this files object weight: 141
#        this files analyzation detail: 1
#     objects detected: 68
#     loading and drawing rectangles..

#saving image...
# .............. SNIP .... (I had 20 jpeg files in the dir)
#working on Family_Photo.jpg...
#     analyzing..
#     file dimensions: (4200, 3300)
#        this files object weight: 938
#        this files analyzation detail: 4

#     objects detected: 20
#     loading and drawing rectangles..
#saving image...
#Process complete

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Python - sun image detector - outline objects in an image

The input:
Where oh where is the sun?

from PIL import Image
# find brightest region of image 
# and visually identify the region 
class TheOutliner(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.outlineColor = 0, 255, 255
        self.pic = None
        self.picn = None
        self.minX = 0
        self.minY = 0
        self.maxX = 0
        self.maxY = 0
    def doEverything(self, imgPath, dictPoints, theoutfile):
    def loadImage(self, imgPath):
        self.pic =
        self.picn = self.pic.load()
    def loadBrightPoints(self, dictPoints):
        # iterate through all points and 
        #   gather max/min x/y 
        # an x from the pool (the max/min 
        #   must be from dictPoints) 
        self.minX = dictPoints.keys()[0][0]
        self.maxX = self.minX
        self.minY = dictPoints.keys()[0][1]
        self.maxY = self.minY
        for point in dictPoints.keys():
            if point[0] < self.minX:
                self.minX = point[0]
            elif point[0] > self.maxX:
                self.maxX = point[0]
            if point[1] < self.minY:
                self.minY = point[1]
            elif point[1] > self.maxY:
                self.maxY = point[1]
    def drawBox(self):
        # drop box around bright points 
        for x in xrange(self.minX, self.maxX):
            # top bar 
            self.picn[x, self.minY] = self.outlineColor
            # bottom bar 
            self.picn[x, self.maxY] = self.outlineColor
        for y in xrange(self.minY, self.maxY):
            # left bar 
            self.picn[self.minX, y] = self.outlineColor
            # right bar 
            self.picn[self.maxX, y] = self.outlineColor
    def saveImg(self, theoutfile):, "JPEG")
class CollectBrightPoints(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.brightThreshold = 240, 240, 240
        self.pic = None
        self.picn = None
        self.brightDict = {}
    def loadImage(self, imgPath):
        self.pic =
        self.picn = self.pic.load()
    def collectBrightPoints(self):
        for x in xrange(self.pic.size[0]):
            for y in xrange(self.pic.size[1]):
                r,g,b = self.picn[x,y]
                if r>self.brightThreshold[0] and \
                    g > self.brightThreshold[1] and \
                    b > self.brightThreshold[2]:
                    # then it is brighter than our threshold 
                    self.brightDict[x,y] = r,g,b
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Start Process";
    # assumes that the test.jpg is in the 
    #   working directory  
    theFile = "four.jpg" 
    theOutFile = "four.output.jpg" 
    cbp = CollectBrightPoints()
    brightDict = cbp.brightDict
    drawer = TheOutliner()
    drawer.doEverything(theFile, brightDict, theOutFile)
    print "Process complete" 
The output:
The sun has been detected!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Python - replace or remove colors from an image

from PIL import Image
# this script assumes that 'test.jpg' 
# is in the current working directory 
n ='test.jpg')
m = n.load()
# get x,y size 
s = n.size
# iterate through x and y (every pixel) 
for x in xrange(s[0]):
    for y in xrange(s[1]):
        r,g,b = m[x,y]
        # remove red from the pic 
        m[x,y] = 0,g,b
# save the doctored image'sans_red.jpg', "JPEG")
# removing all the red from a photo 
# makes for a creepy greenish blue (duh..with no red) 
# try it out! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Python - pure python ping using raw sockets

# I've searched the web far and wide.  I've written my own
#    os.popen() version to ride an operating system's ping.
#    I finally found a pure raw ping implementation in python
#    that seems to work!
# I copied the entire page from:

#!/usr/bin/env python 
    A pure python ping implementation using raw socket.
    Note that ICMP messages can only be sent from processes running as root.
    Derived from ping.c distributed in Linux's netkit. That code is
    copyright (c) 1989 by The Regents of the University of California.
    That code is in turn derived from code written by Mike Muuss of the
    US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory in December, 1983 and
    placed in the public domain. They have my thanks.
    Bugs are naturally mine. I'd be glad to hear about them. There are
    certainly word - size dependenceies here.
    Copyright (c) Matthew Dixon Cowles, <>.
    Distributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    version 2. Provided with no warranties of any sort.
    Original Version from Matthew Dixon Cowles:
    Rewrite by Jens Diemer:
    Revision history
    May 30, 2007
    little rewrite by Jens Diemer:
     -  change socket asterisk import to a normal import
     -  replace time.time() with time.clock()
     -  delete "return None" (or change to "return" only)
     -  in checksum() rename "str" to "source_string"
    November 22, 1997
    Initial hack. Doesn't do much, but rather than try to guess
    what features I (or others) will want in the future, I've only
    put in what I need now.
    December 16, 1997
    For some reason, the checksum bytes are in the wrong order when
    this is run under Solaris 2.X for SPARC but it works right under
    Linux x86. Since I don't know just what's wrong, I'll swap the
    bytes always and then do an htons().
    December 4, 2000
    Changed the struct.pack() calls to pack the checksum and ID as
    unsigned. My thanks to Jerome Poincheval for the fix.
    Last commit info:
    $LastChangedDate: $
    $Rev: $
    $Author: $
import os, sys, socket, struct, select, time 
# From /usr/include/linux/icmp.h; your milage may vary. 
ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Seems to be the same on Solaris. 
def checksum(source_string): 
    I'm not too confident that this is right but testing seems
    to suggest that it gives the same answers as in_cksum in ping.c
    sum = 0 
    countTo = (len(source_string)/2)*2 
    count = 0 
    while count<countTo: 
        thisVal = ord(source_string[count + 1])*256 + ord(source_string[count]) 
        sum = sum + thisVal 
        sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary? 
        count = count + 2 
    if countTo<len(source_string): 
        sum = sum + ord(source_string[len(source_string) - 1]) 
        sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary? 
    sum = (sum >> 16)  +  (sum & 0xffff) 
    sum = sum + (sum >> 16) 
    answer = ~sum 
    answer = answer & 0xffff 
    # Swap bytes. Bugger me if I know why. 
    answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00) 
    return answer 
def receive_one_ping(my_socket, ID, timeout): 
    receive the ping from the socket.
    timeLeft = timeout 
    while True: 
        startedSelect = time.clock() 
        whatReady =[my_socket], [], [], timeLeft) 
        howLongInSelect = (time.clock() - startedSelect) 
        if whatReady[0] == []: # Timeout 
        timeReceived = time.clock() 
        recPacket, addr = my_socket.recvfrom(1024) 
        icmpHeader = recPacket[20:28] 
        type, code, checksum, packetID, sequence = struct.unpack( 
            "bbHHh", icmpHeader 
        if packetID == ID: 
            bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d") 
            timeSent = struct.unpack("d", recPacket[28:28 + bytesInDouble])[0] 
            return timeReceived - timeSent 
        timeLeft = timeLeft - howLongInSelect 
        if timeLeft <= 0: 
def send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, ID): 
    Send one ping to the given >dest_addr<.
    dest_addr  =  socket.gethostbyname(dest_addr) 
    # Header is type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16) 
    my_checksum = 0 
    # Make a dummy heder with a 0 checksum. 
    header = struct.pack("bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, my_checksum, ID, 1) 
    bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d") 
    data = (192 - bytesInDouble) * "Q" 
    data = struct.pack("d", time.clock()) + data 
    # Calculate the checksum on the data and the dummy header. 
    my_checksum = checksum(header + data) 
    # Now that we have the right checksum, we put that in. It's just easier 
    # to make up a new header than to stuff it into the dummy. 
    header = struct.pack( 
        "bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, socket.htons(my_checksum), ID, 1 
    packet = header + data 
    my_socket.sendto(packet, (dest_addr, 1)) # Don't know about the 1 
def do_one(dest_addr, timeout): 
    Returns either the delay (in seconds) or none on timeout.
    icmp = socket.getprotobyname("icmp") 
        my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmp) 
    except socket.error, (errno, msg): 
        if errno == 1: 
            # Operation not permitted 
            msg = msg + ( 
                " - Note that ICMP messages can only be sent from processes" 
                " running as root." 
            raise socket.error(msg) 
        raise # raise the original error 
    my_ID = os.getpid() & 0xFFFF 
    send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, my_ID) 
    delay = receive_one_ping(my_socket, my_ID, timeout) 
    return delay 
def verbose_ping(dest_addr, timeout = 2, count = 4): 
    Send >count< ping to >dest_addr< with the given >timeout< and display
    the result.
    for i in xrange(count): 
        print "ping %s..." % dest_addr, 
            delay  =  do_one(dest_addr, timeout) 
        except socket.gaierror, e: 
            print "failed. (socket error: '%s')" % e[1] 
        if delay  ==  None: 
            print "failed. (timeout within %ssec.)" % timeout 
            delay  =  delay * 1000 
            print "get ping in %0.4fms" % delay 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
#output (for me): 
##        ping get ping in 161.5423ms 
##        ping get ping in 161.8938ms 
##        ping get ping in 161.8139ms 
##        ping get ping in 161.0677ms 
##        ping get ping in 55.2157ms 
##        ping get ping in 54.8570ms 
##        ping get ping in 54.9019ms 
##        ping get ping in 54.7282ms 
##        ping failed. (socket error: 'getaddrinfo failed') 
##        ping get ping in 2.6651ms 
##        ping get ping in 3.4502ms 
##        ping get ping in 2.0416ms 
##        ping get ping in 1.9452ms 

python - copy images (or any file) from the web to local machine

# copy images off of the web to your local machine
# (this should work for any files off the web...not just images)

import urllib
import os

url_of_file = ""
local_file = "local_copy.jpg"

# retrieve from web and put in local_file
urllib.urlretrieve(url_of_file, local_file)

# now proof that the file was copied
# just listing all files in working directory
print os.listdir('.')

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Python - find the average rgb color for an image

#   iterate through each pixel in an image and
# determine the average rgb color

# you will need to install the PIL module

from PIL import Image

class PixelCounter(object):
''' loop through each pixel and average rgb '''
def __init__(self, imageName):
self.pic =
# load image data
self.imgData = self.pic.load()
def averagePixels(self):
r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
count = 0
for x in xrange(self.pic.size[0]):
for y in xrange(self.pic.size[1]):
tempr,tempg,tempb = self.imgData[x,y]
r += tempr
g += tempg
b += tempb
count += 1
# calculate averages
return (r/count), (g/count), (b/count), count

if __name__ == '__main__':
# assumes you have a test.jpg in the working directory!
pc = PixelCounter('test.jpg')
print "(red, green, blue, total_pixel_count)"
print pc.averagePixels()

# for my picture the ouput rgb values are:
# (red, green, blue, total_pixel_count)
# (135, 122, 107, 10077696)
# you can see that my image had 10,077,696 pixels and python/PIL
# still churned right through it!

python - while loop specified time frame

import time

def looper(timeCount):
start = time.time()
keepLooping = True
while keepLooping:
if time.time()-start > timeCount:
keepLooping = False
print time.time()-start

if __name__ == '__main__':

python - create thumbnail with PIL

#PIL is the python image library
# learn more about pil

from PIL import Image

# the size of thumbnail you would like to create
# NOTE: you may get from the 100,100 that the image is ... or will be square
# PIL takes care of this and keeps the proper aspect ratio
# the values you enter here are the max
thumbSize = 100, 100

# assumes you have a file called 'test.jpg' in
# the current directory
# how to tell where python's current directory
pic ="test.jpg")

# PIL makes thumbnails easy with the thumbnail method
pic.thumbnail(thumbSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)

# save to file and choose save type"test.small.jpg", "JPEG")

python - os module and working directory

import os 

# curdir attribute lists the current directory
# which is always '.' .... which means...right here
print os.curdir

# .

# to see what the path to the curdir
print os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)

# C:\Documents and Settings\steve\My Documents\python

# and then to see what files are in the curdir
print os.listdir(os.curdir)
print os.listdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir))

# output for either listdir
#['', '', '', '']