Thursday, November 19, 2009

Python - processing command line arguments

# python scripts are often run from the
# command line.

# python can retrieve and use command line
# arguments with the sys module.

import sys

# all arguments are stored in the sys.argv list
print "number of arguments passed: ", len(sys.argv)

# process through the argument list

for argument in sys.argv:
    print argument

# my input/output:
#    python one two three four five six seven
#    number of arguments passed:  8

#    one
#    two
#    three
#    four
#    five
#    six
#    seven

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Python - boolean and, or, and not

# python includes the basic and, 
# or, and not boolean operations 
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
if a>9 and b+1==21 and c==a+b:
    print "boolean 'and' example equates true" 
if a==9 or b<10 or c<100:
    print "only one of these expressions needs to be true" 
if not a+b==31:
    print "if this is not true"