Friday, October 15, 2010

Python - Anagram generator

# python anagram generator 
# This anagram generator uses a 
# text file as a reference for 
# appropriate words. 
# The word file I used is in the 
# following format (each word has 
# it's own line): 
# act 
# addition 
# adjustment 
# advertisement 
# after 
# again 
# against 
# ... and on and on... 
def isAnagramOf(attempt, original):
    # all the same case 
    attempt = attempt.strip()
    if len(attempt) < 1: # only actual words 
        return False
    attempt, original = attempt.lower(), original.lower()
    for character in attempt:
        position = original.find(character)
        if (position == -1):
            return False
        original = original.replace(character, '', 1)
    return True
def getAnagramsFor(text):
    anagrams = []
    wordlist = open("wordlist.txt", 'r')
    for line in wordlist:
        line = line.strip("\n") #strip the carriage return 
        if isAnagramOf(line, text):
    return anagrams
matching_anagrams = getAnagramsFor("pythonic prose")
print(len(matching_anagrams), "total anagrams generated")
for ana in matching_anagrams:
# my output: 
# 66 total anagrams generated 
# chest 
# chin 
# copper 
# copy 
# cry 
# he 
# history 
# hope 
# ... skip a few ... 
# theory 
# thin 
# this 
# tin 
# to 
# toe 
# top 
# yes 

Python - Anagram detector

# A python Anagram detector 
# manipulate anagrams with python 
# Python could no doubt solve this in 
# many ways.... here is one: 
# determine whether a string is an anagram 
# of another string 
def isAnagramOf(attempt, original):
    # all the same case 
    attempt, original = attempt.lower(), original.lower()
    for character in attempt:
        position = original.find(character)
        if (position == -1):
            return False
        original = original.replace(character, '', 1)
    return True
original = "Texas Ranger" 
print("Is Rage an anagram of", original, "=",
      isAnagramOf("Anger", original))
print("Is Extra Angers an anagram of", original, "=",
      isAnagramOf("Extra Angers", original))
print("Is Extra Angered an anagram of", original, "=",
      isAnagramOf("Extra Angered", original))
#   my output: 
#   Is Rage an anagram of Texas Ranger = True 
#   Is Extra Angers an anagram of Texas Ranger = True 
#   Is Extra Angered an anagram of Texas Ranger = False 

Python - palindrome detector

# palindrome detector
# parse text and print out palindromes
# make a map to remove punctuation
punc = {" ":'', ",":'',
        ".":'', "!":'',
        "?":'', "'":'',
        '"':'', ':':'',
puncMap = str.maketrans(punc)
# determines whether given text is a palindrome
def isPalindrome(text):
    # change to all the same case
    text = text.lower()
    # remove punctuation
    text = text.translate(puncMap)
    # to count as a palindrome it must have
    # at least 2 valid characters
    if (len(text) < 2):
        return False
    # palindrome if it reads the same
    # front or backwards
    return text == text[::-1]
givenText = """
    Hi Mom, welcome. A man, a plan, a canal, panama. And 
    other text. 
# first check the whole text
if (isPalindrome(givenText)):
    print("The entire text: '" + givenText.strip() + "' is a palindrome.")
# now check by sentence
for sentence in givenText.split('.'):
    if (isPalindrome(sentence)):
        print("The sentence: '" + sentence.strip() + "' is a palindrome.")
# now check every word
for word in givenText.split(' '):
    if (isPalindrome(word)):
        print("The word: '" + word.strip() + "' is a palindrome.")
# my output:
# The sentence: 'A man, a plan, a canal, panama' is a palindrome.
# The word: 'Mom,' is a palindrome.