Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Python - reduce a web sites size

# I've recently started using iWeb (which for the non
# Mac OS X inclined is the application used to make web

# sites and what not).
# After creating a 80 page site I was horrified at the
# total size site.  Nearly 100 MB!! The site really wasn't
# very graphics intensive.  Each page had only one image on it
# at most!  I started examining the file structure and was
# horrified to realize that iWeb produces web sites use
# huge image files.  Not even remotely compressed.

# I needed to rescale the jpg and png files down to
# reasonable sizes.

from PIL import Image
import glob

import os

# this is the default size for images:
size = 256, 256

# I provide 2 different sizes for other files
# that need to be larger.
# Identify the names of the files that need to
# be higher quality.
csize0files = 'PhotoGray_nav_bg.png', 'bg_round.jpg'

csize0 = 768, 768

# different custom sizes for other 'important files
csize1files = 'nonefiles', 'none'
csize1 = 512, 512

# create a list for all the files and then add
# them all in type by type.
# For my page I just had jpg and png images

all_matching_files = []
for i in glob.glob("*/*.jpg"):

for i in glob.glob("*/*.png"):

# if you are using this for iWeb checkout the file count!
# my 80 page site had 3000+ images!!!
print "total images to be resized: " + str(len(all_matching_files))
count = len(all_matching_files)

# loop through all the images and make changes
for infile in all_matching_files:
    scalesize = size
    im = Image.open(infile)
    # split out all the useful parts of the file's path

    thePath, theFile = os.path.split(infile)
    fileName, extension = os.path.splitext(theFile)
    # custom resize if necessary
    if theFile in csize1files:
        scalesize = csize1
    elif theFile in csize0files:
        scalesize = csize0

    # resize with PIL's awesome thumbnail method

    im.thumbnail(scalesize, Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # save back as appropriate type
    if extension == ".png":
        im.save(infile, "PNG")
        im.save(infile, "JPEG")

    count -= 1
    if count % 10 == 0:
        # output some useful stats

        print str(count) + " images remaining."

print "....done"

## output:
##    total images to be resized: 3907

##    3900 images remaining.
##    3890 images remaining.
##    ... [snip].....(there were a lot!)
##    30 images remaining.
##    20 images remaining.
##    10 images remaining.
##    0 images remaining.
##    ....done

# Running this script reduced my website size
# from 96MB to 39MB!!
# Certainly there is still room for improvement
# future posts will ideally be aimed at further
# efficiency gains.

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