Saturday, October 3, 2009

Python - using sqlite3 module for persistant data

# The sqlite3 lets you create and use
# a database with just a file

import sqlite3
# more detailed python doc sqlite3 

import os
# in this example we get the current working dir path 

# Choose the file to use for the
# db and connect (create it)

conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.abspath('.') + "tempdb")

# grab a cursor and we can create the db schema
c = conn.cursor()

# if you happen to run through this example a few times
# you may notice that the data is persistant.  For this example
# we'll ensure that we're starting from ground zero
# drop the database (if it exists)

c.execute('drop table if exists users')

# create a table
c.execute('create table users (name text, age text, email text)')

# insert data
c.execute("""insert into users values ('steve', '30', '')""")
c.execute("""insert into users values ('steve2', '32', '')""")
c.execute("""insert into users values ('steve3', '33', '')""")

#                    ('steve II', '20', ''),
#                    ('steve III', '10', '')""")

# now lets select our data
c.execute('select * from users')

# iterate through the results with for each
for row in c:
    print row

# output:
#    (u'steve', u'30', u'')
#    (u'steve2', u'32', u'')

#    (u'steve3', u'33', u'')

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